Little Acorns (Nursery 1 and 2)
Welcome to Little Acorns Nursery!
We are a small school nursery of children between 2 and 4 years old. We love to play and learn together, along with our Teachers Gemma and Bec. Sometimes we have so much fun we don’t even realise that we are learning!
We have a new topic each half term and this term it is Me, My family and other animals and we will be learning all about each other as we welcome new friends. We explore lots of different activities and sometimes cook, do yoga, make giant art pieces together as well as lots of other things. We regularly visit the big school to look at the books in the library and from October will be eating our lunch in the main hall with the big children every day. We also join the main school for celebration assembly on Friday mornings and then with Willow class in the afternoon for Forest School which we all really enjoy! We are looking forward to another fun packed term ahead!