Oak Y5 and 6
Welcome to Oak Class
Hello and welcome to Oak Class! We are made up of Year 5 and Year 6 pupils, Mrs Harris our teacher, and Mrs Hillman and Mrs VanVuuren our teaching assistants. We enjoy listening to stories, dancing along to Super Movers and taking part in exciting science experiments. We are also amazing artists and brilliant mathematicians. We hope you enjoy finding out more about the life and learning in Oak Class.
To help your children with their learning, you can do the following:
• Make sure they read daily. Try to engage with them about the book they are reading by asking them a few questions about what is happening, what they think might happen next and which character is their favourite and why. Read with them or to them when you can, this is still very beneficial even for older children.
• Make sure they practise their times tables as much as possible. We cannot stress enough the importance of the children knowing their timetables in years 5 and 6, especially with the upcoming SATs.
• Encourage your children to complete the maths and literacy homework they are set each week.
• Make sure children practise their spellings.
Thank you.
Mrs Harris