

Here at Stockton the intention behind our curriculum is to ensure that we are ambitious and aspirational for all pupils, providing rich opportunities to develop academic success through a coherently planned and sequenced learning journey within a safe nurturing environment.  The Early Years Curriculum or National Curriculum forms the basis of our learning which is developed and expanded through engaging themes and quality literature.  We adapt our themes in response to our mixed age classes.

We aim to develop learners who are resilient, resourceful, reflective and respectful - this is threaded through the curriculum via SMSC and the teaching of British Values.  We celebrate our rural setting within the curriculum but are also mindful of the need to equip our pupils for life in modern Britain by broadening experiences and widening horizons.

We place a strong emphasis on reading as this is the gateway to success in many areas.  Our teaching of phonics is a high priority in the early years and we use the Power of Reading approach to deliver learning in this curriculum area and inspire children to be life-long readers.

Our approach to maths encompasses a drive to develop learners who are fluent in the basic skills so that they can tackle problems with greater confidence and resilience.  We use materials from ‘White Rose’ and design tasks which contain an element of fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

Our wider curriculum subjects are designed to convey a body of knowledge closely linked to the National Curriculum POS and also a skill set which is developmental over time.  Understanding and enjoyment in these curriculum areas is supplemented by visits, cultural experiences, events and the deployment of specialist staff.

We have a commitment to providing our pupils with culturally rich memorable experiences and have developed a charter of entitlement which sets out a number of opportunities available to all children during their time at Stockton.  This is similar to the DFE Activity Passport.

We are an inclusive school and aim to ensure that our curriculum is successfully adapted, designed and developed for pupils with SEND.   We are ambitious for those who have experienced or are experiencing a level of deprivation.  We uphold the Multi-Academy aim of ‘be the best you can be’ for all members of our community.