
The school colours are red and white, with grey skirts or trousers.

Uniform with our school logo is supplied by Brigade Clothing Ltd.

There is no obligation to buy clothing with the school logo although most parents choose to have at least some items. All clothing should be labelled clearly with your child's name. If your child loses an item of clothing we can then return it to them as soon as it is found. 

Uniform can also be ordered on-line throughout the year via


For P.E. children in all classes should wear black shorts and red t-shirts. T-shirts with the school logo are available. Indoor P.E. is done in bare feet, but for outdoor P.E. pumps or trainers can be worn at Key Stage 1, while trainers should be worn at Key Stage 2. As P.E. kits tend to stay at school the majority of the time, please check regularly that your child’s pumps or trainers still fit. During the colder months, black track suits may be worn outside.

Please send your child’s P.E. kit in a named draw-string bag which can be hung on his/her coat hook and kept in school. Storage space is restricted so rucksacks and back packs are discouraged.  Our uniform suppliers sell a suitable bag with the school logo on.

We encourage the use of a book bag to transport books to and from school. Book bags are available from our uniform suppliers, either as hand held bags, or with a shoulder strap.

Stockton Primary School – Uniform List

  • Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore dress
  • In the summer girls may wear red and white checked dresses
  • Red or white polo shirt
  • Polo shirts with the school logo are available from our uniform supplier
  • White blouses or shirts can be worn as an alternative
  •  Red sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper
  • Sweatshirts and cardigans with the school logo are available from our uniform supplier.


  • Red or grey tights
  • Grey or white socks


  • Grey socks
  • Sensible black shoes. High heels, platform soles, trainers and open-toed sandals are not allowed.


  • Red t-shirts.
  • T-shirts with the school logo are available from our uniform supplier.
  • Black shorts
  • During colder weather black tracksuit trousers can be worn for outdoor PE.

Coats and Jackets

Children should come to school with appropriate outer clothing for the time of year, as we take every opportunity to encourage outdoor play.

Red fleece jackets and navy blue warm waterproof coats with the school logo are available from our uniform suppliers.

Baseball caps and fleece hats with the school logo are also available.

Our uniform supplier is Brigade Clothing Ltd.  They offer on-line ordering all year round.  Details of the items available can be found via the link on our school website.  The School Office also runs an annual uniform order to Brigade, with guaranteed delivery before the end of the summer term.  This order is open to both new and existing parents.  For further information please ask at the Office.

Please note that we do not require children to wear uniform with the school logo.