Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

We are fortunate to have a delightful 20 place nursery named Little Acorns which can accommodate four 2 year olds and sixteen 3 year olds in any one session.  Our dedicated team ensure that children receive the highest quality care and experiences whilst in our setting.  

Our Reception class is called 'Willow' and our Reception teacher, Mrs Clarke, leads the Early Years team.  Little Acorns and Willow have a connected curriculum which places great emphasis on developing a love of learning, early reading and fostering curiosity.  We love to be outdoors and Reception have the joy of weekly forest school sessions.

We ensure children develop phonic awareness and phonic knowledge throughout the phase so that early reading is prioritised.  We encourage children to love books and this is brought to life through daily story sessions, role play, small world play and a curriculum which uses high quality literature as a springboard into learning.

We believe that encouraging children's natural curiosity is vital and we do this by creating exciting learning opportunities which are practical and motivational - such as learning about plants by handling them, growing from seed, sorting and grouping and being real scientists by carrying out experiments.

To find out further details please read our Early Years Policy and if you are looking for a place, please book in with us to come for a visit!